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Essentials of Management Information Systems (GE) 12-e誠意推薦給大家看喔!
作者: Jane Laudon, Laud Kenneth C.
新功能介紹- 出版社:華泰文化
新功能介紹 - 出版日期:2016/06/08
- 語言:英文
Essentials of MIS takes an in-depth look at how today's businesses use information technologies and systems to achieve corporate objectives. Current real-world business cases illustrate how companies have identified and ultimately solved key business challenges using information systems and technologies. Through the use of Essentials of MIS, students will be able to participate in, and even lead, management discussions of information systems for a firm.
Part of a complete learning package that includes the core text and extensive supplemental online materials, the core book consists of twelve chapters with hands-on projects (including video case studies and instructional video packages) covering the most essential topics in MIS. The Twelfth Edition continues to be authoritative, but is now more customizable, flexible, and geared to meeting the needs of different instructors, with many of its learning tools now available in digital form.
作者: Jane Laudon, Laud Kenneth C.
新功能介紹- 出版社:華泰文化
新功能介紹 - 出版日期:2016/06/08
- 語言:英文
Essentials of Management Information Systems (GE) 12-e
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Essentials of Management Information Systems (GE) 12-e
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